Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Lavender Bliss Crochet Pattern

Lavendar Bliss Crochet Blanket with Pattern

It's finally here! It's finally done! The Lavendar Bliss Crochet Blanket plus pattern! I'm sorry I made my newsletter subscribers, Facebook groupies and followers wait longer than the promised day! 

The "special" stitch for this blanket takes up two rows, sort of. As my favorites always are, it looks complicated but it's actually SUPER easy! It's also a favorite of mine to be able to mindlessly crochet a blanket while binge-watching a favorite show! 

I chose 3 different brands of yarn for this project. I'm not paid by any of those companies to say which, but you can see I chose a purple, light purple and cream/ off-white color. If you follow my blog regularly, then you'll see I tend to use a combination of Red Heart, Caron, Bernat and more.

1- 7oz skein each of 3 colors
H8/5mm crochet hook
Sharp scissors
Darning needle

From shell to end of 3 dc line, the gauge is 2". The multiples of this blanket is 8 plus 5 for the base chain. So make it as wide as you want! My suggested 3 skeins will make a baby blanket size.

Following the multiples given above, chain with Light Purple the width you want your blanket. The border is comprised of simple double crochets, so if you do the same, the blanket won't be much wider with it.

Row 1: (RS) Dc in 4th ch from hook (3 skipped chs count as dc) and in next ch; *sk 2 chs, dc in next ch, ch 3, 3 dc around post (vertical bar) of the last dc made, sk next 2 chs, dc in next 3 chs; rep from * across; ch 3 (counts as a dc on following row), ch 3 and turn

Row 2: Dc in next 2 dc; *ch 2, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 2, dc in next 3 dc; rep from * across, end dc in last 2 dc, dc in turning ch but end it with changing to off-white, ch 3 turn

Row 3: Dc in next 2 dc; *dc in next sc, ch 3, 3 dc around post of last dc made, dc in next 3 dc; rep from * across; end with dc in last 2 dc, dc in top of turning ch; ch 3 and turn.

Repeat rows 2 and 3 for pattern.


  1. How many chains do u start with

    1. "The multiples of this blanket is 8 plus 5 for the base chain. So make it as wide as you want! "
      So your base chain will be making 8 chains over and over until it's as wide as you want it to be, then you add 5 more.
